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Välkommen till Chaiko & Markstedt – Din Familjefotograf i Uppsala

Would you like to show your family priceless love and create memories?

We are here to help you stop time and deliver magical images.

You and all your loved ones are welcome to our studio in Uppsala! Contact us to tell us more about your wishes and thoughts. We could absolutely photograph you outside or at your home if that suits better. During a photo shoot, you get a cozy moment with the family. In the end, you get pictures filled with love and the most important thing are memories that the whole family will relive.   

Låt oss tillsammans skapa bilder som berättar er unika historia och fångar kärleken som binder er samman. Hos Chaiko & Markstedt strävar vi efter att göra varje fotografering till en magisk upplevelse där vi tillsammans skapar minnen för livet.

Klassisk eller kreativ familjefotografering ?

Classic family photos

Classic family photos or portraits are the traditional portraits where all members appear in a picture in one or two or more rows. Visa may think that classic is old-fashioned and a bit boring. It is not like that at all when you are photographed with us. We take classic to another level and prove to all our customers that a classic portrait is still one of the finest family photos there is. Of course, it requires a little extra from us as your photographers to make it so. We use all our tools and knowledge so that you will love your family portrait for years to come.

Creative & Modern family portraits

Creative and modern family photos don't really have any definition and are very subjective. We would still try to form some idea for you as a customer of what you can expect from us. Those of you who say "creative" then they are about a portrait that is not similar or non-traditional. For example, you've probably seen the photo where all the members are standing with their profile facing the camera.

Another example of creative and modern images is photographing a family during the day's routines and activities. During photo shoots, we usually guide you a bit  anyway and give some tips regarding poses or a better light source. That way, all the members in the photos look natural and relaxed.

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